Title: The Surrender of Luella (Perchance to Dream Book One)
Author: Jennifer Lassalle Edwards
Genre: Erotica/Romance/BDSM #JLEAuthor #SmutAuthor
My daydreams are the web I weave to deceive my brain, and ultimately, escape my reality. After all, isn’t happiness the lies we create to make it through life? – Luella Parker
Disappointed by people her whole life, shy and introverted Luella Parker prefers the company of her dreams and books instead.
Stuck in a dead end job with a boss who resented her presence, Luella longed for an escape from her solitary reality. Her wild fantasies provided her that exodus.
A dropped book on a bench changes everything. After a stranger tries to return the book she left behind, Fletcher Stevens approaches her for more. He offers her a life altering proposition.
Fletcher’s proposal would allow her to bring all of her wicked desires to life. As Fletcher and Luella explore her kinky wishes through their arrangement.
Could this be all of her dreams coming true, becoming a My Fair Lady of Kink?
Universal Link: http://getBook.at/JLETheSurrenderofLuella
Other Works:
Ripped & Twisted
Candy & Kink
About the Author:
Other Works:
Ripped & Twisted
Candy & Kink
About the Author:
JLE is a Cajun girl from
Louisiana who now resides in Colorado with a husband and a furry menagerie. While
attending college, JLE majored in Biological Sciences, Civil Engineering,
English Literature and Respiratory Therapy/Cardiopulmonary Science. Constantly
changing interests, she still does not know what she wants to be when she grows
up, mainly because she refuses to ever become a stagnant adult. She believes in
living life to the absolute fullest.
In JLE’s pursuit of an
abundant life of adventure, she has spent time as a burlesque performer, a
roller derby referee, a bartender in the French Quarter, writing for a music
site in New Orleans, and currently is an amateur fitness competitor. She has a
penchant for all things that sparkle, and on a completely different note, is a
self-professed food whore. However, one interest has never faltered through the
years, daydreaming and penning those warped thoughts to paper.
Now, you can also enjoy as she reveals all of those deviant fantasies that play in her head daily.
Now, you can also enjoy as she reveals all of those deviant fantasies that play in her head daily.