Thursday, February 18, 2016

For Fun! Sex Positions That Double as Exercise!

I love articles like this.
(Link at bottom)
Why not get more bang for your buck?
Or rather fuck?

You may recall the post that I previously wrote:
where I discussed the benefits of exercise not only on your health, but libido as well.
Due to my interest in fitness, my time competing as an amateur, and always striving for a better body, I love linking that interest with, of course, sex!
And why not find and test ways to make our love lives better that do not always involve bought implements of pleasure.

This article impressed me because for each position you get what areas it is working and how to properly execute said position!
How fun is that?
I may be adding even extra cardio to my daily routines!
Why not plan a position a day?
By the way, there are tons of fun books out there that have a position a day for 365 days...
I may own one or two.
I've even found some apps for that!
Check out your google play store for free apps
Here's the link of a quick search:

sex positions kinky erotica advice
Click on the link below
Images such as the one above are on the page.
Click an image and let the fun begin!

And if you're feeling it...
A Cosmo article where a writer banged out 77 positions in 77 Days!

Another from Woman's Day
(I wouldn't necessarily say replace, but an additional fun workout to your gym routine)

But most of all

Bonus article:
(I may try some of her tips - Interval Sex?!)

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